Applied Research

Pursue applied research in AI and Predictive Analytics in educational and industrial domains that seeks to answer questions in the real world and to solve problems. 

Production Development

Build production-based platforms and products for companies and institutions in different domains including chatbot, mobile, web applications.

Artificial Intelligence

Provide consultancy in Artificial Intelligence (AI) related field including machine learning, natural language understanding (nlu), data mining, and information retrieval.

Analytics and Big Data

Provide consultancy with the state of the art analytics solution with Big data architecture. Provide recommendations for companies and institutions on how to build Analytics platform.  

Course Development

Design and Develop data science and  software development courses. Courses include AI, deep learning, knowledge representation,  machine learning, data mining, core python, big data, and Hadoop technologies.

Course Teaching

Provide experienced teaching that carefully plans and implements appropriate pedagogy to empower students to achieve learning outcomes. 


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